Yukari was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan. She moved to the island of Oahu in 2000 and received a bachelor degree in Business Administration/Marketing from the University of Hawaii in 2006. In her freshman year, she started to being fascinated by the enchanting nature of the beautiful island: turquoise blue water, creamy white sand, tropical forest mountain, happy and pleasant life style of islanders. She decided to infuse her love of the island with dainty yet sophisticated urban touch by designing and handcrafting jewelries. After graduation, though she worked at a a blue chip local compnay from 2007, she left the company and Jewelry Happy Gate Hawaii was born. Her part time jewelry hobby became her full time passion in December 2011.
Hawaii is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and we are constantly inspired by the various moods of the ocean and the feelings it inspires in people living nearby, or even those visiting Oahu for a few days. The moods range from happiness, ecstatic joy, anger, mystery, sadness, loneliness and more. It makes you want to be a wanderer and travel the world on the sea, or be a liberated soul and live a life unhampered by things that tie you down, to be unshackled and free-flowing like the waves.
Our Dainty Glam line of jewelry tries to bring out these various moods of the Pacific through designs and materials used to make these unique, one of a kind pieces. This collection features bracelets, necklaces and earrings that focus of a few main themes. The two major themes in this line are Pacific Ocean and Marine Life found in the ocean around Hawaii. Every single piece revolves around these themes and tries to bring out the moods and style inspired b these themes.